The BIG Climate and Nature Education Survey is coming!
The Big Climate and Nature Education Survey is an online survey that gives students across whole schools and colleges a chance to have their say on climate change, nature and education.
The survey is open to any school or college in the UK that covers KS2 to KS5.
If you've been taking part in any of our Green Schools Revolution projects (Climate Action Plans, Wilding Schools or Teach the Teacher) you can take part in the survey. If you’re a young person that’s been involved in the Future Forum, your school or college can also take part.
Read on for more information!
When will the survey take place?
Schools and colleges can take part any time between January and April 2025.
What will the survey ask?
The survey will cover a range of topics including:
- Attitudes on and actions for climate change and nature at their school or college, inside and outside the classroom
- Experiences of making change so far, and aspirations for future action in school / college
- General views and experiences linked to climate change and nature
How do schools take part?
Here's how the survey will work:
- Sign up to take part and we’ll provide a range of resources to support you to deliver the survey in your school.
- Form your student-led research team.
- The research team plans how to deliver the survey in your school / college.
- Put your plan into action and collect your data between January and April 2025.
- Analyse all the responses! There are two options for analysis - your school can analyse its survey data or the Green Schools Revolution team can do this for you.
- Share your survey findings with the whole school / college.
- Use the survey findings to help you take action on climate change and protect nature.
Which students can take part in the survey?
The survey is designed to be completed by KS2 to KS5 students. Students from these year groups can also be involved in the student-led research team.
What are the benefits for schools and colleges of taking part?
By taking part in the survey, schools can benefit from:
- An opportunity for a real-world learning experience for students in the research team, gaining skills in project planning, public-speaking and more
- Opportunities to embed sustainability into teaching, e.g. using data in Maths or IT lessons, producing promotional resources in art and design subjects
- A report on student views of climate change and nature to support action taking place on these issues both inside and outside the classroom
- Contributing to a national survey on education, climate change and nature
- Winning prizes to support action on climate and nature in your school / college - the school with the highest proportion of responses based on their student numbers will win £1000!
Are there different options for taking part?
We’d love schools to participate via the route described above, by supporting a student-led research team but this may not be possible for all schools. You can still take part by asking teachers to share the survey with students in lesson or form time. We’re also open to other suggestions so get in touch!
What resources are available to schools or colleges that take part?
Once you've signed up we'll get in touch with resources and information to help you take part in the survey. You can also find our resources online via our resource page.
Please note, if you opt for the student-led promotion route we will send your bespoke survey link once we receive your completed promotions template. If you opt for a staff-led approach, we'll send over your link in our confirmation email.
How do I sign up?
Sign up online, or get in touch via research@sos-uk.org with any questions!